Everything from climate to nutrient intake can affect grape quality and flavor. In fact, because nutrients have such an impact on taste, many wine grapes’ nutrition requirements are actually stipulated by the buyer. To ensure grapes get the most out of applied fertilizers, include nutrient use efficiency products as part of your fertility plan.
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Key Considerations for Grape Crops
Nutrient Management
Grapes are a flexible crop, able to be grown in a variety of soils and climates, and with an array of different management options. Because everything from climate to nutrient intake can affect grape quality and flavor, the nutrition requirements of many wine grapes is actually set by the buyer to ensure the right flavor balance.
Water, Soil & Other Crop Considerations
Because grapes can be grown in a wide variety of soil types, it’s important to consider the impact soil type has on flavor. For wine grapes, sometimes shallower, less fertile soil is better for flavor and ripening, but many grape crops come from deep, fertile soils as well. That being said, water stress will be more prevalent on well-drained, coarse, shallow soils than on deep, loamy soils, so be sure to keep an eye on water levels depending on your soil type.
Grapes are susceptible to a range of pests, so it is recommended to use integrated pest management practices to help prevent and reduce disease, weed and insect pressure.
Key Nutrients
Key for pulp growth — especially for wine grapes — and needed through all growth stages.
Helps neutralize grape acidity; needed at all times except post-harvest.
Needed at all stages.
Essential at first bud break during winter rest and at post-harvest. Directly affects yield and berry setting.
Needed throughout the season to ensure healthy plant and berry growth.
Learn More from the Specialty Crop Nutrient Use Efficiency People
At Verdesian Life Sciences, our specialty crop technologies are as varied and broad as the specialty crops themselves.
Products for Grapes
Ferrous (Iron) Sulfate