Diamond Brand®
Ferrous (Iron) Sulfate
What Are Ferrous (Iron) Sulfate Products Used For?
Diamond Brand Ferrous Sulfate products are used as reducing agents in the treatment of hazardous wastes and as a coagulant and flocculant in the treatment of sewage waste, industrial effluents, raw drinking water, and other wastewater sources. It is also used as a reducing agent in the removal of phosphates and odor-causing hydrogen sulfide from various waste sources.
The agricultural, lawn and garden, and turf management industries also use Diamond Brand Ferrous Sulfate products to correct iron chlorosis or deficiencies in plants and soils. It’s also used to eliminate moss, reduce alkalinity, and as a trace element or micronutrient in fertilizers. In addition, it is used in the diets of swine, poultry, and other animals as a feed supplement, to prevent anemia caused by iron deficiencies.
What are the Different Types of Diamond Brand Ferrous Sulfate Products?
Verdesian offers five different Diamond Brand product offerings:
- Moist Ferrous Sulfate Heptahydrate (Fe-18%)
- Dried Ferrous Sulfate Heptahydrate (Fe-20%)
- Dried Solu-Grade® Heptahydrate (Fe-20%)
- Dried Ferrous Sulfate Monohydrate (Fe-30%)
- Dried Ferrous Sulfate Coarse and Fine Granular Monohydrate (Fe-30%)
Keep reading to find which ferrous sulfate product would best suit your needs.
Moist Ferrous Sulfate Heptahydrate (Fe~18%)
Moist Ferrous Sulfate Heptahydrate crystals contain approximately 8% exterior or free water and is the least costly of all of the various forms of ferrous sulfate available from Verdesian. Having the consistency of damp salt, moist ferrous sulfate does not flow freely like the dried forms of ferrous sulfate and has to be mechanically transported when being mixed with water or other substances.
At our manufacturing facilities in Cape Girardeau, MO and North Lima, OH, we always maintain large inventories (+10,000 tons) of moist ferrous sulfate for immediate shipment in bulk or super sacks. This allows us to respond to large volume ferrous sulfate requirements in a short period of time.
Sold in 50 Lb. bags or 2,000 Lb. bulk bags
Dried Ferrous Sulfate Heptahydrate (Fe-20%)
The most commonly used form of ferrous sulfate is Dried Heptahydrate, due to its consistent iron, sulfur, water and oxygen contents, its free-flowing characteristics, and its ability to go into solution rapidly. It can be shipped in 50 lb. bags or bulk bags.
Although our Diamond Brand Dried Ferrous Sulfate Heptahydrate is free-flowing when processed, this material has a tendency to compact and/or cake (becomes hard) under various shipping and storage conditions. These hardness problems occur due to the instability of the sixth and seventh molecules of interior water (H2O), which have a tendency of releasing from each heptahydrate crystal when stored in temperatures in excess of 75° F, or in extreme humid conditions. Upon request, and at no additional cost, Verdesian can add an anti-caking agent to extend storage times of dried heptahydrate and help to prevent caking or compaction.
Sold in 50 Lb. bags or 2,000 Lb. bulk bags
Dried Solu-Grade® Heptahydrate (Fe-20%)
Diamond Brand Dried Ferrous Sulfate Heptahydrate (FeSO4•7H2O) Solu-Grade is derived from a co-product of the steel pickling industry. We segregate raw materials from a select group of steel pickling operations to assure the purest, lowest insoluble content, and brightest blue/green color for our Solu-Grade product.
This makes Solu-Grade the obvious choice for applications such as liquid fertilizers where clarity of solution and low insolubles are required. The agricultural, lawn and garden, and turf management industries use our Diamond Brand Ferrous Sulfate to correct iron chlorosis or deficiencies in plants and soils, to eliminate moss, to reduce alkalinity, and as a trace element or micronutrient in fertilizers.
Sold in 50 Lb. bags or 2,000 Lb. bulk bags
Dried Ferrous Sulfate Monohydrate (Fe-30%)
Ferrous Sulfate Monohydrate contains the greatest amount of Iron per ton (Fe-30%) and the least amount of interior water (one molecule or ~12% by weight). At Verdesian, ferrous sulfate Monohydrate is made in three sizes:
- Standard or powdered size (US Sieve Mesh Size -20 +100)
- Fine Granular (US Sieve Mesh Size of -16 +24)
- Coarse Granular (US Sieve Mesh Size of -6 +16)
All three sizes will not compact or cake in transit or in storage as long as it is not exposed to free water or temperatures in excess of 325° F. In addition, the higher iron content of Monohydrate results in lower transportation, bagging and palletizing costs per pound of iron by as much as 33% when compared to the same costs per pound of iron contained in moist and dried ferrous sulfate Heptahydrate. The primary disadvantage of dried ferrous sulfate Monohydrate is its slower rate of solubility due to its higher iron content.
Sold in 50 Lb. bags or 2,000 Lb. bulk bags
Dried Ferrous Sulfate Coarse and Fine Granular Monohydrate (Fe-30%)
Verdesian proudly offers its premium grade Diamond Brand Granular Ferrous Sulfate Monohydrate which is primarily used as a fertilizer ingredient for turf, ornamental, and agricultural applications. As the ONLY domestic producer of granular ferrous sulfate Monohydrate in North America, we wax coat and double screen our product for dust control and enhanced handling characteristics. This allows us to offer a harder de-dusted granule that is ideal for bulk blenders who strive for premium quality.
At Verdesian, our Dried Ferrous Sulfate Granular Monohydrate is available in two sizes:
- Fine Granular (US Sieve Mesh Size of -16 +30, SGN 100)
- Coarse Granular (US Sieve Mesh Size of -6 +16, SGN 230).
Sold in 50 Lb. bags or 2,000 Lb. bulk bags
Are Diamond Brand Ferrous Sulfate Products OMRI Listed?
Verdesian’s Diamond Brand Ferrous Sulfate products are now OMRI listed and allowed with restrictions. Our iron sulfate products may be used as a plant or soil amendment if soil deficiency is documented by testing. Please see the ORMI website for additional information regarding our Diamond Brand OMRI listing.
The Diamond Brand® Ferrous (Iron) Sulfate product was previously owned by the QC Corporation, which was acquired in 2014 and changed its name to Verdesian Life Sciences in 2016.
For information or orders, contact Bob Bundschuh.
Industries We Serve
Verdesian’s Diamond Brand® Ferrous Sulfate products and our Granular Micronutrients are used throughout the agricultural, turf management, horticulture and lawn and garden industries. Ferrous Sulfate is used to correct Iron Chlorosis and to condition soils that are deficient in available iron or are high in alkalinity (high pH). These products eliminate moss and promote green-up and plant health in lawn and garden, golf course, turf management, ornamental and crop applications.
Animal Feed
Verdesian’s Diamond Brand® Ferrous Sulfate is used as a feed supplement in the diets of swine, poultry, and other animals to prevent anemia caused by iron deficiencies. Our Ferrous Sulfate Standard Monohydrate is mostly used because of its stability, physical properties, packaging and higher iron content (Fe~30%). Verdesian’s homogenous Zinc-Iron Sulfate Monohydrate (Zn-14%, Fe-17%) powder is a unique product for the animal nutrition market due to its value and homogeneous combination of soluble zinc and iron in a Monohydrate (stable) form for trace mineral premixes.
Soil Remediation and Land Reclamation
Ferrous Sulfate is used as a reducing agent in the treatment of hazardous wastes and for soil remediation with contaminants such as Hexavalent Chromium and Sodium Cyanide. Verdesian is the only company in North America with Ferrous Sulfate inventories that are sufficient to meet the needs of large-scale remediation projects.
Hazardous Waste and Water Treatment
Ferrous Sulfate is a coagulant and flocculent used in the treatment of sewage waste, industrial effluents, raw drinking water, and other wastewater sources. It is also used as a reducing agent in the removal of phosphates and odor causing Hydrogen Sulfide from various waste sources.
Our Drying Process
Moist Ferrous Sulfate is processed by our automated manufacturing system, which includes drying, screening and packaging. Moist Heptahydrate crystals are dried using gas fired rotary kilns. As heated air is drawn through the crystals, exterior water evaporates, leaving a Dried free-flowing Heptahydrate that is screened for uniformity. Further drying the Heptahydrate at higher temperatures will produce a free-flowing Dried Ferrous Sulfate Monohydrate product that is also screened for uniformity. With two independent ferrous sulfate drying production facilities located in Cape Girardeau, MO and in North Lima, Ohio, Verdesian has the largest Ferrous Sulfate drying capacity in North America.
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