Very Low | Low | Medium | High | Very High | |
< 5.0 | 5 95% probability of a 3X ROI | 5 95% probability of a 3X ROI | 4 90% probability of a 3X ROI | 3 80% probability of a 3X ROI | 3 80% probability of a 3X ROI |
5.1 – 5.7 | 5 95% probability of a 3X ROI | 5 95% probability of a 3X ROI | 4 90% probability of a 3X ROI | 3 80% probability of a 3X ROI | 2 60% probability of a 3X ROI |
5.8 – 6.2 | 5 95% probability of a 3X ROI | 4 90% probability of a 3X ROI | 3 80% probability of a 3X ROI | 2 60% probability of a 3X ROI | 2 60% probability of a 3X ROI |
6.3 – 6.8 | 3 80% probability of a 3X ROI | 3 80% probability of a 3X ROI | 3 80% probability of a 3X ROI | 2 60% probability of a 3X ROI | 1 40% probability of a 3X ROI |
6.9 – 7.4 | 5 95% probability of a 3X ROI | 4 90% probability of a 3X ROI | 3 80% probability of a 3X ROI | 2 60% probability of a 3X ROI | 2 60% probability of a 3X ROI |
7.5 – 8.0 | 5 95% probability of a 3X ROI | 5 95% probability of a 3X ROI | 4 90% probability of a 3X ROI | 3 80% probability of a 3X ROI | 2 60% probability of a 3X ROI |
> 8.0 | 5 95% probability of a 3X ROI | 5 95% probability of a 3X ROI | 4 90% probability of a 3X ROI | 3 80% probability of a 3X ROI | 3 80% probability of a 3X ROI |

As a grower, you have a healthy dose of common sense to go along with your business sense. You don’t buy things you don’t need, and you want to make sure you get what you pay for. Unfortunately, with most Phosphorus applications, that’s exactly what’s not happening. Of the Phosphorus that you purchase and put down, typically only about a quarter of it ends up being accessible to your crops that season. It’s like ordering a filet and being served a hot dog. AVAIL® T5 Phosphorus Fertilizer Enhancer makes Phosphorus uptake more efficient for your plants, resulting in up to 45% more Phosphorus being accessible to crops. This means a higher yield and a greater ROI. Common sense and good business practice — two things you already know well.
Maximizing your Phosphorus investment with AVAIL T5
Wondering what a soil test can tell you? The AVAIL T5 Placement Chart below makes it simple to identify the optimal conditions for the most profitable Phosphorus application. Farmers get more with AVAIL T5. Click on your soil pH condition in the chart below to see the ROI you can expect by using AVAIL T5 Phosphorus Fertilizer Enhancer
Method | Very Low | Low | Medium | High | Very High |
Bray P1 | 0-7.9 | 8-14.9 | 15-20.4 | 20.5-31 | 31+ |
Olsen | 0-5.9 | 6-10.9 | 11-14.4 | 14.5+ | 14.5+ |
Mehlich-3 | 0-11.9 | 12-18.9 | 19-24.9 | 2.5-34.9 | 35+ |
Optimize phosphorus performance for a stronger, earlier start
AVAIL® T5 Phosphorus Fertilizer Enhancer uses an all-new patented polymer technology to reduce the fixation of applied Phosphorus, keeping more available for plant uptake, speeding early growth, and improving crop health and yield potential.
Based on our all-new T5 polymer technology, AVAIL T5 Phosphorus Fertilizer Enhancer offers better performance, handling, storage and ease-of-use. In addition, AVAIL T5 polymer technology makes more of your applied Phosphorus available to your plants, regardless of source or timing, increasing Phosphorus efficiency uptake in the plant.
How does AVAIL T5 work?
Positively charged elements in the soil like calcium, magnesium, aluminum and iron can cause Phosphorus to become fixed in the soil. But AVAIL T5 reacts with these ions, shielding Phosphorus fertilizer from fixation. More available Phosphorus can lead to more robust root systems, boosting early-season performance, plant stress tolerance, crop quality and yield potential.
Phosphorus use efficiency benefits more than just your farm. More readily available and soluble phosphorus in the soil allows for improved plant root interception and efficient plant nutrient uptake. This leads to less Phosphorus buildup in the soil and less loss to creeks, rivers, lakes, and bays. These benefits make AVAIL T5 Phosphorus Fertilizer Enhancer a critical part of your 4R Nutrient Stewardship best management practices (BMPs).
- Increased Phosphorus efficiency for increased uptake in the plant
- Delivers 3-to-1 return on your Phosphorus investment
- Better early-season crop performance
- More robust roots and stalks
- Improved plant stress resistance
- More consistent performance
- Flexible application timing
- Less equipment buildup
- Less Phosphorus soil buildup
- Powered by new T5 polymer technology
What is the T5 polymer?
If we use this product, can we use less fertilizer?
Can we mix with insecticides and fungicides?
Which crops is Avail T5 best for?
How can Avail T5 help corn production?
Application Guidelines
Always read and follow label instructions and restrictions before use.
AVAIL T5 Phosphorus Fertilizer Enhancer is designed to reduce the fixation of phosphate fertilizers in any soil type and to be used with any crop where phosphate fertilizer is deemed by best management practices to be useful for plant growth and development. If you expect to get a response from your Phosphorus fertilizer investment, AVAIL T5 will improve the efficiency of your Phosphorus fertilizer application.
Managing for Profit Podcast:
Availability of Phosphorus is Key
Check out our family of AVAIL products with our AVAIL Granular & Liquid Phosphorus Fertilizer and our AVAIL HV for high volume applications.
Trial Data
Average yield increases
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AVAIL® T5 Verdesian Life Sciences Courses
AVAIL T5 – Use Guidelines for Granular Fertilizer at Full Rate – Phosphorus Management
AVAIL T5 Spatial Recommendations – Phosphorus Management
AVAIL T5 Technology Demonstration – Phosphorus Management
Get in Touch with an AVAIL® T5 Expert