Primacy ALPHA® – Foliar Biostimulant & Soil Nutrient | Verdesian Life Sciences

Primacy ALPHA®

Optimize flowering and fruit set

Containing patented Verdesian technologies discovered by Los Alamos National Laboratories and the University of California at Riverside, Primacy ALPHA® works inside the plant to stimulate the efficient assimilation and utilization of nutrients. Primacy ALPHA also functions as a reproductive growth catalyst that collectively stimulates, intensifies, and optimizes plant metabolism; encourages rapid plant nutrient uptake; promotes plant growth and enhances consistent crop quality and yield potential.

Versatile in both soil and foliar application as well as compatible with commonly used fertilizers and pesticides, Primacy ALPHA is a critical part of your fertility program, with proven performance on a wide range of crops including cereals, alfalfa, tree nuts, grapes, citrus, strawberries, brassica crops (broccoli, cauliflower) and fruiting vegetables (tomatoes, peppers). Primacy ALPHA is a phosphite-free soil and foliar nitrogen management product. It provides critical secondary nutrients and micronutrients that facilitate rapid plant growth, increased productivity and stress mitigation.

The main goal of plant biostimulants is to enhance overall plant productivity as they interact with the plant and reduce the negative plant responses to stressors that all crop plants are experiencing. More specifically, plant biostimulants help activate processes in both the soil and within the plant, resulting in better nutrient availability, improved tolerance to abiotic stresses and increased plant yield.

Product Benefits

  • Encourages rapid plant growth and improved crop quality for greater yield potential and ROI
  • Increases nutrient uptake, utilization and delivery
  • Promotes plant health and stress tolerance
  • Optimizes flowering, fruit size and fruit set
  • Provides critical secondary nutrients and micronutrients including nitrogen, potassium, sulfur, boron, manganese and zinc
  • No phosphite residues

Learn More from the Specialty Crop Nutrient Use Efficiency People

At Verdesian Life Sciences, our specialty crop technologies are as varied and broad as the specialty crops themselves.

Application Guidelines

Primacy ALPHA can be foliar or soil-applied and is tank-mix compatible with most commonly used pesticides and fertilizers.

For general fruit and vegetable crops, trees, vines, berries, field crops, forestry and nursery crops, make the first soil application at emergence, transplant, bud break or bloom. Subsequent soil and foliar application can be made at 15-30 day intervals up to harvest. Always read and follow label instructions and restrictions before use.


Primacy ALPHA is compatible with most commonly used foliar pesticides, chemically neutral fertilizers and micronutrients. It is not recommended to use this product with surfactants or adjuvants that lower pH. Do not mix with silicone-based surfactants or adjuvants.

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Primacy ALPHA® Verdesian Life Sciences Courses

Primacy ALPHA – Nutritional Uptake Optimization

Course ID: VLS-S 105-10

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