Canola is one of the most widely-grown crops in Canada. Today’s high-yielding canola hybrids have a high demand for water and nutrients, with N and S being the most limiting for crop quality, yield potential and oil content. To ensure your canola is making the most of its nutrients, explore our line of nutrient use efficiency products.
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Key Considerations for Canola Crops
Nutrient Management
Nitrogen, phosphorus and sulfur are among the most important nutrients for maximum yield and protein content. Efficient use of N fertilizer increases canola leaf area index, plant weight, growth rates, flowering and seed set, pod weight and yield. Nitrogen and phosphorus are necessary to produce a large leaf area that will produce maximum flowers, pods and seed yield.
Soil and Temperature Requirements
Canola grows best in thick, black clay/loam soil with good water retention. Canola is moderately tolerant to salinity and higher organic matter will typically improve yields.
Dry soil conditions result in reduced N uptake, while cold, wet soils can limit P uptake.
Key Nutrients
For yield, quality and to achieve maximum return, nitrogen is key. However, more nitrogen applied doesn’t necessarily mean more uptake. Often, over-applications can increase N lost to the soil and can also affect plant health, so finding ways to increase nitrogen efficiency can yield a greater ROI.
Key for rapid, early growth as well as maturity. Canola extraction of P from the soil is very good, however P uptake can be limited in cold, wet soils.
Recommended application ranges from 10 lb/ac. to 20 lb/ac. to achieve maximum yield potential, regardless of soil test results.
Boron is essential for pollination and seed production in canola. In highly acidic or highly alkaline soils, an application of calcium may also be required.
Products for Canola
Ferrous (Iron) Sulfate