Primo R1
Are your soybeans tired, sad, puny? It could be a lack of Nitrogen. A soybean plant needs five pounds of Nitrogen per bushel, but many plants don’t get the amount they need to grow. Using an on-seed inoculant for soybeans helps your plants build a larger “nitrogen engine” to support greater yield potential. A soybean inoculant helps ensure the right type and number of bacteria are present to help your soybeans produce nodules, which will then generate Nitrogen.
Primo R1 is a super concentrated soybean inoculant that helps provide soybean plants with the levels of rhizobia required to produce the nitrogen it needs. Imagine the benefits of incorporating this inoculant into your soybean seed treatment process!
It’s not just the high-quality, high-concentration formula that makes Primo R1 a preferred soybean inoculant. The easy FlexConnect application also sets it apart. Primo R1 is applied with a single-bladder, single-hose, single-cap system, so you can be up and running in minutes with no hassle. FlexConnect application also means you get a more consistent inoculant amount on every seed for a better yield from the first unit treated to the last, even if it’s over a 14-day period!
More Rhizobia Per Seed
Larger Soybean Seed Treatment Offerings
Still trying to figure out what all this bacteria, Nitrogen, and inoculant stuff is about? Check out our FAQs for answers.
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Frequently Asked Questions
What is a soybean inoculant?
Do you need inoculants for soybeans?
How do soybeans get Nitrogen?
Should you inoculate soybeans every year?
I’m on a two-year crop rotation. Do I really need to inoculate my soybeans?
What does “the right type of rhizobia” mean?
Does an inoculant provide bacterial consistency across your field?
Are there other benefits to soybean inoculants?
How do you produce top-yielding soybeans?
Can I use a soybean inoculant alongside other fertilizers and pesticides?
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