Take down diseases before they take hold
Fungi-Phite®is a fast-acting phosphite fungicide proven to help take down diseases before they take hold of crops. When environmental conditions are just right for disease and the stress that comes along with it, Fungi-Phite helps to fight Phytophthora, Pythium, downy mildew and brown rot, as well as blue and green mold and other crop diseases. In addition, this fungicide prevents disease through multiple sites of action, inhibiting the development of resistant strains.
Available in a liquid formulation, Fungi-Phite is an excellent fit for integrated disease management programs, and offers a solution for more than 20 varieties of crops including citrus, leafy and fruiting vegetables, berries, brassicas and tree nuts, as well as turf and ornamentals. It’s a cost-effective, flexible option for disease control and suppression, helping optimize crop quality and yield potential in addition to disease management.
The details
- Suppresses and controls over 20 active diseases
- Effective and proven results on more than 20 crop varieties
- Effective on turf and ornamentals
- Increases production of natural fungicides (phytoalexins)
- Low environmental toxicity
- Offers flexible application options, including tank-mix compatibility with most micronutrients and pesticides
Learn More from the Specialty Crop Nutrient Use Efficiency People
At Verdesian Life Sciences, our specialty crop technologies are as varied and broad as the specialty crops themselves.
Application Guidelines
Always read and follow label instructions and restrictions before use.
Fungi-Phite can be applied through various application methods, including foliar spray (aerial and ground), soil drench, soil incorporation and bare root drip. The use of spray adjuvants will enhance this product’s performance.
See the label for a full list of registered crops, diseases treated and application rates.
This product is compatible with most products used in agriculture; however, crop sensitivity to these mixtures may vary. Before tank mixing a combination that has not been previously used, it is recommended to test the mixture’s compatibility using a jar test.
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