Accolade® - Biological Plant Growth Enhancer | Verdesian


More roots. More uptake. More yield.

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Create healthy roots for a strong seedling

Accolade® is a biological growth enhancement liquid for all crops that delivers massive numbers of rhizobacteria to the root zone for maximum benefit to the emerging seedling and throughout the season. Accolade contains Azospirillum – a well-studied, free-living, nitrogen-fixing plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria. Through the use of independent nitrogen fixation, Accolade increases root development and secondary lateral root systems, leading to increased nutrient uptake and higher yields.

The details

  • Fixes nitrogen in the root zone for increased plant utilization
  • Solubilizes phosphorus
  • Increases water, mineral and nutrient uptake efficiency
  • Improves root mass development and stress/drought tolerance
  • Helps create a noticeable height difference during early growth stages and fewer days to tasseling, leading to earlier harvest dates
  • Versatile application on seed or in-furrow
  • Ultimately, Accolade causes the plant to produce more roots and more root hairs further and deeper in the soil

The difference? More roots. More nutrient uptake. More yield.

Accolade is a plant growth promoter that is not only a stand-alone product, but it is available in other seed treatments and inoculants from Verdesian such as: Primo GX2 for all pulse crops, Primo Pulse, LIFT-Kit and Pre-Vail inoculants.

See the Accolade advantage on several different crops. Accolade is on the right in every comparison unless otherwise noted.

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Application Guidelines

Accolade is uniquely positioned to be applied on-seed or in-furrow, which offers high flexibility for your treatment preference. Accolade is a plant growth enhancer that can be used in conjunction with most seed treatments in order to aid root proliferation in plants. Contact us for a complete list of compatible seed treatments.

Always read and follow label instructions and restrictions before use.



  • Maximum product distribution on the seed will be achieved with a commercial seed treater.
  • Ensure treater has been cleaned and properly calibrated prior to use.
  • Shake bladder before opening for use.
  • Apply Accolade at a rate of 74 mL per 22.7 kg (50 pounds) of medium sized seed (e.g., cereal, pulse, or soy), or at a rate of 454 mL per 22.7 kg (50 pounds) of small seed (e.g., canola, or flax) and immediately begin mixing.
  • Mix until seeds are thoroughly covered.
  • Allow seed to dry before handling.


Accolade 10.4 L (2.75 gal)
Spacing 7″ 8″ 9″ 10″ 12″ 15″ 24″ 30″
ML per acre 275.1 243.3 216.7 201.0 173.3 103.6 86.7 51.8
Acres per case 75.6 85.5 96 103.5 120 200.8 240 401.8


Once the package has been opened, apply Accolade as soon as possible or within 24 hours.  Depending on the seed storage conditions or the tank mix, Accolade may survive for a long time on seed.

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Accolade® provides a compelling ROI to growers. Click “View Results” to see the ROI you can expect, or enter your own numbers for a customized calculation.

Accolade Grower Cost per Acre

Commodity Price per Bushel

Yield Gain (bu/ac)



“Accolade-treated canola came out of the ground with more vigour compared to the untreated canola of the same variety. Because of this it was able to get ahead of the flea beetle pressure and faired better than the untreated.”

Wayne M



“We frequently talk to growers who see their neighbor across the road has a 5-6 bushel per acre bump, and the only difference is they used Accolade.”

Kevin G



“What we have noticed over the years is that Accolade does its job exceedingly well, and even increases its return on investment when there is adversity like drier or wetter conditions.”

Soren N


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