Through industry-wide collaboration and scientific discovery, improving plant nutrition continues to move agriculture toward higher, healthier yields each year. However, with strong demands on production goals, farmers have to work harder to deliver the nutrients their crops need.
Since 1950, total world fertilizer production has increased ten-fold due to growth in population, the need for higher yields per acre and a raised awareness for the importance of soil fertility. These new challenges have also brought questions from the general public, calling attention to agriculture’s impact on the environment and fertilizer runoff.
The 4R nutrient stewardship framework outlines the agriculture industry’s approach to best practices for nutrient use. Fertilizer is a component of sustainable crop production systems, and the fertilizer industry recognizes the need to efficiently utilize these nutrients.
Healthy Soil, Strong Plants
As farmers improve the efficiency of their nutrient management plans through the 4Rs framework – right source, right rate, right place, right time – yields and profits continue to increase, and the non-farming public can trust their food is being produced safely and sustainably.
“Having the right amount of nutrients in the right place at the right time is essential to maximizing the production capability of a plant,” says J.J. Grow, CEO of Verdesian Life Sciences. “When plants experience nutrient deficiency in the field, maturity slows down, creating an imbalance in growth and potential. Fertilizer management is a long-term goal.”
Healthy, well-maintained soil is the basis for a resilient operation. Minimizing nutrient loss and maintaining a balanced soil fertility plan is possible with proper nutrient management.