Verdesian NUE University
Advancing Education in Nutrient Use Efficiency
Verdesian NUE University is an online learning platform for crop advisers, retailers and growers alike to learn about nutrient use efficiency practices and technology, and how these practices can increase nutrient efficiency, yield, crop quality and ROI for agricultural production.
At A Glance
Verdesian NUE University consists of a series of learning modules — many accredited for CEU credits — that you can explore to gain additional agronomic and industry knowledge from accredited university researchers, well-known agronomists, top crop consultants, and many experts and authorities in agricultural production.
All courses are online, on-demand and self-paced, so even the busiest person has the opportunity to continue his or her education. There is no fee to view these courses.
Click here to view a full listing of all nutrient use efficiency and Verdesian product courses.
Practical Application
There is a need in modern agriculture to educate on the importance of nutrient use efficiency. With increasing pressures to grow more food on less land – and with an ever-increasing consumer eye on food production, safety and sustainability – it is imperative that growers are educated about the latest tools and trends in nutrient use efficiency. Verdesian NUE University is designed to accelerate education and practical application of nutrient use efficiency. Armed with this knowledge, crop advisers, retailers and growers will lead the way in more efficient and sustainable agricultural production.
Leading Education by an Industry Leader
Verdesian NUE University is supported by Verdesian Life Sciences, a leader in agricultural nutrient use efficiency technologies. Verdesian offers growers biological, nutritional, seed treatment and inoculant technologies that maximize performance on high-value row crops and specialty crops, as well as turf and ornamental plants. As a 4R Nutrient Stewardship Partner, Verdesian is committed to researching and developing environmentally and financially sustainable products.
Earn CEU Credits
If you’re interested in earning CEU credits, you must enter your name, email address and CCA ID number before viewing a course. This information must be entered prior to watching and the course must be watched in its entirety to earn the designated CEU credit(s). Unfortunately, course completions cannot be captured outside the system. Nutrient use efficiency courses where a CEU credit(s) is available are clearly marked.