High levels of pH in the field can cause problems with phosphorus (P) being fixed in the soil and unavailable for plant uptake. Adequate levels of P in soil tests do not necessarily translate into availability of P for crops, but a lack of this nutrient will result in deficiencies that can stunt a plant’s productivity.
Brian and Darin Hefty co-hosts of the radio show Ag PhD, explain the importance of looking at pH in soils. The Heftys pointed out that visual deficiencies can happen in any crop, but it is particularly important to look for deficiencies in corn as an indicator of a potential loss in yield. Industry experts weighed in on how to avoid these nutrient deficiencies and ensure farmers can achieve their highest potential in yields.
Todd Carpenter, a technical development manager for Verdesian Life Sciences, joined the discussion to offer his advice on the role phosphorus plays in preventing deficiencies and optimizing plant health.